Before the Birth

Antenatal class (English) weekender or weekly

Learn everything about the most important aspects concerning the birth. We talk in detail about the specific phases of the birth, as well as what transpires with you and your body. We show you how your child actively participates during the entire birth, and how the interaction between you and your baby is attuned. There are various positions and movements you can implement during the birth that will help you to cope with labor pains This will give you the self-assurance to trust in your own body.Your partner can be a wonderful support to you, and plays an important role in our courses. In this way, together with your baby, you can meet this challenge head on. Additional topics are: relaxation exercises, painkillers (natural and medical), water birth, labor and birthing positions, the first hours with the baby and postnatal phase.This class is for you and your birthing partner.

You can choose between:
– Antenatal class weekender on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 am- 5:00 pm recommended from the 30th week of pregnancy.
– Antenatal class weekly on 4 weeks Tuesdays evening from 6.00 – 9.30 pm, recommended from 28th week of pregnancy.

Birth Preparation for couples (1st child) on the weekend

Learn everything you need to know about your first birth. We talk in detail about the specific phases of the birth, as well as what transpires with you and your body. We show you how your child actively participates during the entire birth, and how the interaction between you and your baby is attuned. There are various positions and movements you can implement during the birth that will help you to cope with labor pains. This will give you the self-assurance to trust in your own body. Your partner can and will be a wonderful support to you, and plays an important role in our courses. In this way, together with your baby, you can meet this challenge head on. Additional topics are: relaxation exercises, painkillers (natural and medical), water birth, labor birthing positions, the first hours with the baby and the postnatal phase.

This class is for you and your birth partner on Saturday and Sunday between 10:00 and 17:00. We recommend taking this class from the 30th week of pregnancy.

Birth Preparation for couples with their 2nd or 3rd child on Friday and Saturday

This special weekend course is for couples who already have children. Friday’s is dedicated just for the women, while Saturday is a feel good day for you and your partner. Together with relaxation, time and peace, for you as couple to unwind and get in the mood for this baby!

We discuss what may change now that your little one has a sibling, and how this dynamic shifts for the couple. Questions like: How is this birth or pregnancy different from the one you had before? How would we like to be ready this time? How are the siblings prepared for this transition? How will we enjoy the postpartum period in a restful and well organized way.

Within this course, your partner/family will also be prepared for the postpartum phase in the best possible way. We remind the partner how best to support the mother in her delicate postpartum period. For the mother to recover and rest in the best possible way and also for your partner and siblings to rest and enjoy the first weeks all together with the baby. We want to prepare you for this time with calmness, mindfulness and relaxation.

This course is for you and your partner on Friday only for the women from 10:00-15:30 and on Saturday for you and your partner from 10:00-18:00. This course is recommended from the 30th week of pregnancy.

Birth preparation in 2 parts from the 12th week of pregnancy

This birth preparation course takes place in 2 parts

1st part: 12TH – 16TH WEEK OF PREGNANCY

In this part, we deal intensively with health-promoting measures. Which exercises/movements will help my muscles and ligaments to remain strong and pain-free throughout my pregnancy? How can I best prepare my pelvis for the birth? What nutrition is good for my health during pregnancy? We will learn breathing and relaxation techniques that can be consolidated during pregnancy and used safely during the birth. Which place of birth could be right for me/us? How can I organize my pregnancy in a self-determined, healthy and relaxed way?

2nd part: 32-36 WEEKS’ GESTATION

Here we deal specifically with the upcoming birth What are the signs of the start of labor? What phases will I go through during the birth? What pain-relieving measures are available to me? What can I expect in the postpartum period? Breastfeeding and much more

Birth preparation for couples (1st child) continuous on Thursday

Learn about the most important aspects concerning birth. We talk in detail about the specific phases of the birth, as well as what transpires with you and your body. We show you how your child actively participates during the entire birth, and how the interaction between you and your baby is attuned. There are various positions and movements you can implement during the birth that will help you to cope with labor pains. This will give you the self-assurance to trust in your own body. Your partner can be a wonderful support to you, and plays an important role in our courses. In this way, together with your baby, you can meet this challenge head on. Additional topics are: relaxation exercises, painkillers (natural and medical), water birth, labor birthing positions, the first hours with the baby and the postnatal phase. This class is for you and your birth partner.

This course is for you and your partner on Thursday over 4 weeks, recommended from the 28th week of pregnancy.

Doğum Hazırlık Kursu

Sevgili anneler, bu kursta doğumla ilgili önemli konular ayrıntılı olarak anlatılacaktır.Doğumun bireysel aşamaları,vücudunuzda değişimler,doğum sırasında pozisyonlar,hareketler,doğum ağrısı ile nasıl baş edeceğiniz açıklayarak size güven vereceğinden eminiz. Eşiniz sizi harika bir şekilde destekleyebilir.Böylece bu deneyimi bebeğinizle paylaşabilirsiniz. Diğer konular: Gevşeme egzersizleri,ağrı kesiciler(doğal ve tıbbi),suda doğum,doğum pozisyonları,bebekle ilk saatle.

Bu kurslarımız,4 hafta boyunca eşli/eşsiz perşembe günü akşamlar devam etmektedir. Gebeliğin 28.haftasından itibaren önerilir.


Pregnancy yoga is a gentle and mindful practice to gain strength in movement. These poses increase your stamina, an extremely helpful skill for birth. Yoga supports your search for finding balance in the tide. The postures from Hatha Yoga are modified for pregnancy and help stabilize you and your baby. It is important to properly nourish your core and pelvic floor dynamically during pregnancy. This ensures not just strength, but flexible stability to elevate mobility and function. A present mindset can alleviate some of the ailments of pregnancy turbulence. Breathwork and relaxation exercises promote serenity, and offer a conscious pause to round off the lesson.


The Cantienica® Body in Evolution provides strength, flexibility and endurance for the period of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Your body is in high demand throughout this time and Cantienica® is an excellent support for your ever changing system. Come discover your deep  strength, beauty and flexibility within.This deep dive into body perception will bring self confidence and a wonderful new connection to every cell. During pregnancy, your body is more capable of changing and learning than any other phase in your life. Catienica® can help prevent common pregnancy ailments such as back pain, heartburn and heavy weight gain. Your child will benefit from a functional dynamic system and upright posture. So get yourself and your baby fit and learn a new body language! We offer an ongoing class for pregnant women, it is always possible to join. Nevertheless, please register first as there is only room for seven participants at a time.

Mom & Baby

Postnatal Exercises

Inside your pelvis lies the three layers of your pelvic floor. These muscles not only provide stability but they also hold your body’s organs. During pregnancy, these muscles can become stressed from the high demand of the baby and the additional 15 to 20kg. A well trained pelvic floor gives you a pleasurable love life and prevents organ prolapse and incontinence. It can also improve posture and prevent back pain. It is essential to connect to and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles after birth with specific targeted exercises. Eight weeks after the birth of your baby, it is recommended to begin your “Rückbildung.” In a total of 10 hours, you will learn exercises that enable you to train your pelvic floor efficiently and dynamically. The cost of the course is completely covered by your health insurance. You are welcome to bring your baby along. Rejuvenate your pelvic floor!

Postnatal exercises Cantienica® in English

Postnatal exercises according to the Cantienica® Method. The Cantienica® Method for body shaping and posture utilizes the pelvic floor to optimally straighten out the entire skeleton. All essential deep muscles are enhanced, thereby taking strain off the pelvis and freeing organs from pressure.This leads to swift yet sustainable straightening and a better sense of physical well-being. Your pelvic floor becomes optimally strengthened, and your self-perception sensitized. The results quickly become noticeable and visible. This enables you to intensively come to grips with your body, and to discover it in new and wonderful ways. Postnatal exercises according to Cantienica is a special Method to strenghten your pelvic floor and posture and have an additional fee from 85€. The additional fee is not reimbursed by your health insurance fund. Therefore you can’t claim it.

Doğum sonrası jimnastik

Pelvik tabanı, üç katmanla pelvisi hizalar. Vücut stabilitesini ve iç organları destekler. Hamilelik sırasında çocuğunuzu değil, aynı zamanda 10 ila 15 kg ek ağırlığı destekler. İyi eğitilmiş bir pelvik taban, keyifli bir aşk hayatı yaşarsınız, organ sarkması ve idrar kaçırmayı ,sırt ağrısını ve kötü duruşu önler. Doğumdan sonra özel egzersizlerle pelvik tabanı güçlendirmek çok önemlidir. Bebeğinizin doğumundan sekiz hafta sonra başlayabilirsiniz. Kurs süreci toplam 10 saat ve sizin sağlık sigorta tarafından karşılanacaktır. Bebekleriyle birlikte katıla bilirsiniz.

Postnatal exercises  with Yoga

These yoga classes are specifically designed to strengthen and rejuvenate your pelvic floor, back and deep abdominal muscles. Your mental well being and pelvic floor muscles after the birth are connected. We will mobilize the spine and shoulders to help relieve tension common from breastfeeding to ensure better posture. With flowing movements, breathwork and guided relaxation we help you regenerate your body after birth. You are welcome to bring your babies along!

Postnatal exercises  on SUP Board

By standing on the water in a stand up paddle board, this intensive workout trains and strengthens your deep core muscles and pelvic floor. After birth you will quickly feel the strength and lightness of your body again with this special exercise. There is a gentle introduction before you go on the board for the first time, so no need to worry if you are a beginner! Come switch off from everyday life and enjoy the space, peace and harmony on the water. Find your inner and outer balance. Let’s paddle into the sunset!

The course takes place in the “Pure Vida” sailing school in the Rummelsburg Bay. The additional payment of 150 € includes the SUP board rental and a second midwife/trainer.

Postnatal exercise with Cantienica®  in german!

The Cantienica® method (body in evolution) uses the pelvic  floor to optimally straighten the entire skeletal body. All of your essential deep muscles are systematically networked. The pelvis and organs are relieved of pressure. This leads quickly and sustainably to a deeper body awareness. With a new awareness, your pelvic floor will be optimally strengthened. Quickly received, your body will notice a difference not only in strength but in general well being. Postpartum is a wonderful time to rediscover your body in a completely new way. This course has a co-payment of 85€. The co-payment is not covered by health insurance.

Mamafit Cantienica®

From our many years of experience as midwives, we know that ten hours of rehabilitation is simply not enough. Unfortunately the likelihood that women will exercise regularly seems to be very low, especially in the first few months after birth. Even at home, very few find the time to implement the exercises from their postnatal rehabilitation. We are often contacted by women who have problems with their pelvic floor many months or years after birth. We offer you the opportunity to continue your practice once a week on a regular basis. You may bring your baby with you. You can buy a 5 or 10 class card used within a time period. It is not a problem if you can’t come as this is an ongoing course.

Machen Sie sich fit für den Alltag mit KInd und vertiefen Sie die Erfahrungen und Fortschritte aus der Rückbildung mit der Cantienica®-Methode . Es ist ein fortlaufender Kurs mit/ohne Babys.

Mamafit Cantienica® (English)

Our many years of experience as midwives have shown that ten hours of postnatalexercises are not enough to get back into shape. The chances are slim that you aregoing to exercise regularly in the first months after giving birth. Even at home, mostwomen don’t find the time to practice the recommended exercises from postnatal classes.We often hear from women who are still having problems with their pelvic floor longafter the birth.We offer the Mamafit course so that you have the possibility tocontinue regular postnatal exercises once a week. Of course you may bring your baby with you.We have 5x or 10x cards available, so that you can take courses, within a set timeframe, when it best suits you. Therefore there’s no problem when you skip a class,because the courses run continually.

Get yourself into shape for everyday life with your child, and expand your know-how and progress begin during postnatal training with the Cantienica® Method.This is an ongoing course which can be done with and without babies.

Mamafit Yoga

coming soon


When children are small, give them roots, when they are big, give them wings.

Babies have a genuine need for touch, warmth and love. We can gently welcome our babies into the world with gentle massages. Through intentional touch, the bond and trust between you and your baby is deepened and strengthened. The massage brings a sense of harmony so that your child may find a calmer sleep, and relief from gas, colic or teething.

In a small group you will learn gentle and respectful stroking massage as well as relaxation techniques for you and your baby. The course consists of 6 meetings that are 1.5 hours each. Babies should be at least 6 weeks old or not yet able to crawl.

Fenkid Playgroup

This course is offered for parents with babies from roughly 3-12 months. By strengthening their intuition, parents may explore the space to develop self competence. Find your OWN way! In small groups parents will find time for exchange and suggestions. Simultaneously the babies exist in a space where they may explore and follow their impulses for movement. There will be songs and rocking games, various “research materials” as well as information and exchange on relevant parenting topics. A  foundation of Fenkid is that the babies do not need encouragement for their own play. Each child makes his or her own experience at his or her own stage of development. As the parents we are here to observe and accompany our child in a mindful and respectful way. Join as we flow through the lenses of Emmi Pikler,M. Montessori and J. Jules.


First  Aid

When was the last time you took a first aid class? In everyday life, it is often enough to provide comfort and a bandaid. But are you prepared for more serious accidents? What should you do in case of unconsciousness, breathing difficulties, burns or poisoning? This course is intended for practical use as it deals with the typical emergencies in which fas and child friendly action is often decisive.



Cantienica® Workshop. Discover the power, beauty and flexibility of your body through this exceptional method. A workshop for everyone *without babies. We offer over three hours straight of intensive training.
