
The Hebammerie is a collective of midwives that work cooperatively
with individual and independent families.

Katharina Perreira

Spending time with my big family and friends gives me the strength I need and fills me with deep joy. Life is beautiful, and the people around me are my inspiration. I love to discover new things and deepen my knowledge through music, books and the theater. Although just as important to me is rest and relaxation, which I find in the hammam, on my SUP board or in our house in the forest. I feel connected to the Caribbean, the people living there and their attitude towards life. As a midwife I get to meet so many different people, which enriches my world and drives me further.
I speak fluent English.

Rosi Eggerding

Teambild Rosi Eggerding

I passed my midwifery exam in Hanover in 1978, where I immediately took up work as a midwife in a hospital setting. Later, I worked for 12 years as a home birth midwife in Hanover. After many years of living in Italy, I returned to Berlin and worked from June 2013 to January 2016 in the Kreuzberg Berlin Birthing Center. Since then I have been working in the home birth team at the Hebammerie. I was born in 1954 and am the mother of three children. I raised my first daughter alone and my last two children are in my Italian/German language. As a midwife, I work with all my heart and look forward to working with women, their partners and newborns.
I speak German and Italian.

Nazila Nobari

I am Nazila and I was born in Tabriz, Iran in 1974. I studied midwifery in Iran, and worked in a hospital for 17 years. In 2012 I came to Germany with my family. I like to spend my free time with my family and friends, cooking and listening to music. I look forward to supporting and accompanying you as a midwife.
I speak German, Turkish and Persian.

Arzu Turkmen

Ich bin Arzu, 1981 geboren in Izmir/Türkei aufgewachsen. Nach der Hebamme Ausbildung sammelte ich dort 16 Jahre Berufserfahrung. Seit 2017 lebe ich in Berlin. 2020 erblickte mein Sohn die Welt, mein Sonnenschein meines Lebens. In meiner Freizeit lese ich sehr gerne. Mit meiner Familie und Freunden gehe ich gerne neue Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten entdecken. Es ist sehr spannend als Hebamme schwangere Frauen und ihre Familien wahrend der Schwangerschaft und danach zu begleiten.

Meral Düzgün

Dear women, I’ll introduce myself to you soon. I’m very much looking forward meeting you!

Ann-Christin Kayatz

I’m deeply grateful to be a midwife. It is very important to me to support you in this special phase of your life with my care and expertise. I want to strengthen your intuition and your knowledge of natural processes and prepare you for an empowered birth experience. I completed my studies in midwifery in Berlin in 2022. I have gained experience in hospitals, birth centres and with a homebirth midwife. Before I became midwife, I completed a master’s degree in ethnology, sociology and Latin American studies and lived in France, Spain and Guatemala. I have travelled a lot and love being in the nature and by the sea. I’m also passionate about flamenco dancing. I always find inner peace on my yoga mat. I would be happy to accompany you in your antenatal and postnatal care and help you to find your own individual path. In the future I will be offering antenatal, postnatal and yoga classes. I speak fluent English. Adamas hablo español. Je parle très bien le français.

Jule Limpf

Teambild JuleLimpf

I was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1987. After some time abroad, I found the midwifery training program at Vivantes Klinikum, which in turn drew me to Berlin. There I worked as a freelancer in prenatal care and postpartum care at Urban Hospital. In 2015 I went to Munich with my family and studied health sciences. I have been living in Berlin with my two daughters since summer 2019. In my free time I love to read and enjoy time in nature. As a midwife, I am fascinated by the combination of scientific knowledge, practical experience and individual needs. I look forward to accompanying you on your journey.
I speak German and Spanish.

Jule Schekahn

I was born in 1980 and grew up in the beautiful Hallertau in Bavaria. After my exams in 2003, my work as a midwife took me from Namibia to Berlin. I met my husband here and we are now the proud parents of three wonderful children. I like to spend my free time with my family and friends. I love the thrill of being a midwife and absolutely enjoy my work.

Julia Scherzer

I am Julia and was born in Dresden in 1996. On my way to becoming a midwife, I took a little detour and first studied psychology in Frankfurt am Main before completing my midwifery degree there in 2022. For me, these two subjects absolutely belong together and enrich my professional work equally. I have been working as independent midwife since April 2023 and support families from the beginning of pregnancy and birth preparation to the end of the breastfeeding period. It is important to me to accompany you in a resource-orientated and non-judgemental way and I look forward to getting to know you.
I speak German, English and a little bit Spanish.

Lara Depenbrock

Before I became a midwife in Berlin, I studied political science in Mannheim and spent a lot of time abroad. Even back then, I was concerned with the role of women and I realised what an enormous contribution mothers in particular make to society as a whole. I really appreciate the versatility and closeness to life in the midwifery profession. My focus is on providing you with sensitive, holistic and up-to-date professional support throughout your pregnancy and postnatal period. I attach particular importance to working in a diversity-friendly way. You (expectant) parents already have a lot of intuitive knowledge within you and I look forward to supporting you on your unique journey.
I am fluent in English.